Khalisani Mahavidyalaya

খলিসানী মহাবিদ্যালয়

Affiliated to The University of Burdwan. AISHE Code: C-44706

Best Practices

  • Best Practice -1 : Digital Communication / E-Communication
  • Best Practice -2 : Social outreach through philanthropy.


images/Best-1-2021 Title of the Practice : Digital Communication / E-Communication

Goal : The prime objective of the institution is to sustain all necessary activities during the lock-down period.

The Context :During pandemic the administration of the college finds it extremely difficult to communicate with stakeholders.

The Practice :To ensure and to execute a smooth online informative system the college has utilized "Tiroscope"-an online-platform for communicating with all stakeholders-

Evidences of Success :That the college has successfully executed all academic and administrative activities bears proof of success.

Problems encountered and resources required : Not all the stakeholders, particularly the students are in a position to avail the online digital services because of their locational remoteness or due to financial hardships. Hopefully, with adequate sponsorship from the State and Central Governments, these problems can be solved.

Best-2-2021 Title of the Practice : Social outreach through philanthropy.

Goal : During these hard times the faculties tried to extend their help as far as possible.

The Context :The financial hardships faced by the majority of the human populace.

The Practice :The staff of the college contributed to the West Bengal Chief Minister Relief Fund. Students of a few departments participated in some philanthropic activities.

Evidences of Success :These types of social outreach activities during exigencies are not always result oriented.

Problems encountered and resources required : More such activities should be undertaken but the situation arising due to lockdown restricts us from doing so.