Khalisani Mahavidyalaya

খলিসানী মহাবিদ্যালয়

Affiliated to The University of Burdwan. AISHE Code: C-44706

About College IQAC

The establishment of the IQAC in our institution was in 2008. As a first step, IQAC of our college tried to establish institutionalization and internalization of quality enhancement initiatives. The goal, in a very humble way, was to develop a sense of belongingness among stakeholders in all the activities of the institution. We sincerely tried not to build up any hierarchical structure or a record-keeping unit of the institution but to become a facilitative and participative unit of the institution. Our IQAC believe that we have the potential for ushering in quality augmentation through our planned and interfering strategies to eliminate deficiencies and improve quality.