Khalisani Mahavidyalaya

খলিসানী মহাবিদ্যালয়

Affiliated to The University of Burdwan. AISHE Code: C-44706


Examination Notice

19/3/2025   Notification for Reopening of Web Portal for submission of Forms for NEP and CBCS Sem-I Exam-2024 7/3/2025   Notice for Practical Exam of Botany 3/3/2025   Notice for Practical Exam of Zoology 28/2/2025   Practical Exam of Semester-I,2024(Physics) 27/2/2025   Notice for Exam form fill up of Semester-I,2024(NEP) 24/2/2025   Corrigendum of Exam Schedule of B.A. Sem-V General Exam 2024 (CBCS) 18/2/2025   Admit Card of Semester-V,2024 17/2/2025   Reopening of Web Portal for submission of Forms for UG Sem-V Exam-2024 13/2/2025   Notice for Admit Card of Semester-V,2024 12/2/2025   Programme of U.G. Sem.-V (H & G), 2024 (CBCS) 12/2/2025   Centre List for U.G. Semester - V (H & G), 2024 (CBCS) 31/1/2025   Schedule for all Internal Examination of Semester-V,2024 30/1/2025   Notice for Practical Exam of Chemistry Dept 30/1/2025   Notice for Exam of Physics Dept 25/1/2025   Practical Exam of Botany 24/1/2025   Practical Exam of Zoology 21/1/2025   Notice for Exam form fill up of Semester-V,2024 4/1/2025   Notice for Internal Exam of Semester-I,2024 21/11/2024   Notice for Admit Card of Semester-II,2024 21/11/2024   CENTRE LISTS FOR U.G. SEMESTER - II (HONOURS & GENERAL) EXAMINATION, 2024 (NEP - 2020) 21/11/2024   CENTRE LISTS FOR U.G. SEMESTER - II (HONOURS & GENERAL) EXAMINATION, 2024 (CBCS) 21/11/2024   PRORGRAMMES OF U.G. SEMESTER -II (NEP-2020) EXAMINATIONS, 2024 21/11/2024   PRORGRAMMES OF U.G. SEMESTER -II (CBCS) EXAMINATIONS, 2024 21/11/2024   Reopening of Web Portal for submission of Form and Fees for UG NEP and CBCS Sem-II Exam-2024 12/11/2024   Reopening of Web Portal for submission of Forms and Fees for UG (3-yr Degree/4-yr Hons) Semester-II and UG CBCS Sem-II Examination, 2024 5/11/2024   Notice for 2nd Sem Practical Exam,2024(Botany Major) 22/10/2024   Notice for Exam from fill up of Semester-II,2024 21/10/2024   Distribution of Grade Card of Semester-VI,2024 30/9/2024   Corrigendum regarding Examination Schedule of UG Sem-IV Exam 2024 (CBCS) 27/9/2024   Practical Examination(Sem-IV,2024) of Geography 27/9/2024   Review of Semester-VI,2024 23/9/2024   Grade Card of Semester-VI,2024 18/9/2024   Review of UG Sem-III Exam-2023 18/9/2024   Postponement of UG Sem-IV Exam-2024 for 19th and 20th September, 2024 13/9/2024   Notice for 2nd Semester Internal Exam,2024 12/9/2024   Grade Card of Semester-III,2023 10/9/2024   CORRIGENDUM RELATING TO PROGRAMME OF U.G. SEMESTER -IV GENERAL EXAM. 2024 6/9/2024   Notice for the Internal Examination 5/9/2024   Admit Card of Semester-IV,2024 5/9/2024   NOTIFICATIONS RELATING TO PROGRAMME OF U.G. SEMESTER -IV HONOURS & GENERAL EXAM. 2024 5/9/2024   U.G.Semester_IV(Hons.&Gen.)Centre_List_2024 4/9/2024   Grade Cards of UG SEM VI Honours Examinations 2024 3/9/2024   Reopening of Web Portal for submission of Form and Fees for UG Sem-IV Hons & Gen Exam-2024 28/8/2024   Notice for Practical Exam of Economics 28/8/2024   Notice for Practical Exam of B.Com Gen 23/8/2024   Notice for Semester-IV,2024 Exam 20/8/2024   Practical Exam(Chemistry) of Sem-IV,2024 13/8/2024   Notice for Exam form fill up of Semester-IV,2024 1/8/2024   Distribution of Grade Card of Semester-V,2023 26/7/2024   Semester VI,2024 Practical Exam(Geography) 18/7/2024   REVISED PROGRAMME OF U.G. HONS & GEN SEMESTER-VI EXAM. 2024 UNDER CBCS 18/7/2024   Revised Admit Card of Semester-VI,2024 16/7/2024   Reopening the form submission portal of UG SemVI exam 2024 12/7/2024   PROG. FOR U.G SEM VI EXAM. 2024 (CBCS) 12/7/2024   Admit Card of Semester-VI,2024 12/7/2024   Centre List for Semeste-VI (Hons. & Gen) Exam-2024_CBCS 11/7/2024   Practical Exam of Geography(1st Sem-2023)(NEP) 10/7/2024   Notice for Review of SEM-5 2023 8/7/2024   Environmental Science/Education(Value Added Course/VAC) Project 8/7/2024   Practical Exam of Botany Major(1st Sem-2023) 8/7/2024   Chemistry Practical Exam 8/7/2024   Zoology Practical Exam 6/7/2024   Grade Card of Semester-V,2023 4/7/2024   Admit Card of Semester-I,2023(Old CBCS) 3/7/2024   Notification regarding reopening of Web Portal for UG CBCS Sem-I (Old) Exam-2023 2/7/2024   Admit Card of Semester-I,2023(NEP) 2/7/2024   PROGRAMME FOR U.G. SEMESTER- I HONOURS & GENERAL (CBCS - OLD) EXAMINATION, 2023 2/7/2024   CENTRE LIST FOR U.G. SEMESTER- I HONOURS & GENERAL (CBCS - OLD) EXAMINATION, 2023 2/7/2024   Re-opening Web portal for Submission of Forms and Fees of UG (3-yr Degree/4-yr Honours) Semester-I Examination, 2023 28/6/2024   Practical Exam(Physics Hons.) 28/6/2024   Practical Exam(Zoology) 27/6/2024   PROGRAMME FOR U.G. SEMESTER-I EXAMINATION, 2023 (UNDER CCFUP OF NEP 2020) 27/6/2024   CENTRE LIST FOR U.G. SEMESTER-I EXAMINATION, 2023 (UNDER CCFUP OF NEP 2020) 26/6/2024   Notification regarding submission of forms and fees for Sem-I Exam-2023 24/6/2024   Practical Exam for Botany General 22/6/2024   Distribution of Grade Card of Semester- II 2023 13/6/2024   Internal Exam(Online),2024 10/6/2024   Notice for Exam form fill up of Semester-I,2023 10/6/2024   Examination Committee 10/6/2024   Reopening of Web Portal for UG Sem-VI Exam-2024 7/6/2024   Distribution of Grade Card of Semester-IV,2023 1/6/2024   Internal Examination-2023-24 link for Khalisani Mahavidyalay Semester-I Multidisciplinary Environmental Science 13/5/2024   Notice for Exam form fill up of 6th Semester,2024 and Admission of 6th Sem,2024 & 4th Sem,2024 25/4/2024   B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. NEP Environmental Science/Education (VAC) Internal Examination 2023 ?? google form 22/4/2024   Internal Assessment Examination 2023-24 of Environmental Science/Education(VAC) 16/4/2024   Notice for Internal Exam of AEC 9/4/2024   Internal Exam of Economics(Minor) 5/4/2024   Notice for History Internal Examination for First Semester 2023-24 5/4/2024   Extension of date for fresh Enrollment for the year 2023-2024 3/4/2024   Notice for Review of Semester-IV,2023 and Semester-II,2023 2/4/2024   Notice for Internal Examination for Sem -1 , 2023 30/3/2024   Grade_Card_Sem-II_2023 30/3/2024   Internal Assessment for B.Com(4 years & 3 Years) of 1st Semester,2023 28/3/2024   Grade Card of Semester-IV,2023 1/3/2024   Admit Card of Semester-III,2023 27/2/2024   Reopening of Web Portal for submission of Form and Fees for UG Sem-III Exam-2023 19/2/2024   Notice for Practical Exam of Geography Dept. 19/2/2024   Revised Program of 3rd Sem-2023 Exam 19/2/2024   Centre List for UG Sem-III Hons & Gen Exam 2023 16/2/2024   Notice for 3rd Semester 13/2/2024   Reopening of Web Portal for UG Sem-III Exam-2023 12/2/2024   Internal Assessment of Third Semester-2023-24 31/1/2024   Notice for Exam form fill up of Semester-III,2023 30/1/2024   Admit Card of Semester-V,2023 30/1/2024   Reopening of Web Portal for UG Sem-V Exam-23 on 31-01-2024 29/1/2024   Notice for Internal Assessment for B.Com 25/1/2024   CENTER LIST for UG Sem-V (Hons & Gen) Exam-2023 25/1/2024   Internal Exam of the Department of Economics 25/1/2024   Notice for Internal Exam of Geography Dept. 22/1/2024   Programme for B.A/B.SC/B.COM. semester -V (Hons & General) Examination, 2023 under CBCS 10/1/2024   Internal Exam for B.A programs, Sem-V-2023-24 6/1/2024   Internal Assessment for B.Com Honours and General Students of 5th Semester 6/1/2024   Internal Assessment of Chemistry Dept. 6/1/2024   Resolution of Examination Committee 4/1/2024   Notice for Exam form fill up of Semester -V,2023 20/12/2023   Grade Card of Semester-I,2022 18/12/2023   Grade Card of Semester-III,2022 1/12/2023   Notice for Regular Attendance of Students 6/10/2023   Reopening of Web Portal for submission of Forms and Fees for Review of UG Sem-V Exam-2022 4/10/2023   Admit Card of Semester-II,2023 29/9/2023   Reopening of Web Portal for submission of forms for UG Sem-II Exam-23 28/9/2023   Programme for UG (CBCS) Sem II Examination 2023 12/9/2023   Programme for UG Sem-IV Exam-2023 for Education (SEC-2) 9/9/2023   Provisional Certificate of Sem-VI,2023 9/9/2023   Internal Assessment of B.Com Honours and General of 2nd Semester 8/9/2023   Grade Card of Semester-VI,2023 7/9/2023   Sem-II,2023 Practical Exam of Chemistry 5/9/2023   Admit Card of Sem-IV,2023 5/9/2023   Programme for UG Semester-IV (Hons & Gen) Examinations 2023 5/9/2023   Centre List for UG Semester-IV (Hons & Gen) Exam-2023 4/9/2023   Notice for 2nd Sem and 4th Sem,2023-24 1/9/2023   Notification regarding re-opening of Web Portal for UG Sem-IV Exam-2023 29/8/2023   Notice for University Practical Examination,2023 of B.Com Gen 4th Semester 28/8/2023   Notice for Review 24/8/2023   Notice for Review and Scrutiny of Semester-V,2022 24/8/2023   Notice for Exam form fill up of Semester-II,2023 14/8/2023   Notice for Practical Exam of Chemistry Dept. 11/8/2023   Notice for Zoology Dept. 11/8/2023   Urgent Notice for 4th Semester-2022-23 3/8/2023   Notice for Exam form fill up of Semester-IV,2023 25/7/2023   Admit Card of Semester-VI,2023 20/7/2023   Reopening of Web Portal for submission of forms for UG Sem-VI Exam-2023 18/7/2023   Centre List for UG Semester-VI (Hons & Gen) Exam-2023 15/7/2023   Revised Programme for UG Sem-VI (Hons and Gen) Exam-2023 5/7/2023   Notice for Panchayat Election,2023 28/6/2023   Programme Schedule 6th Semester- IA-Practical -Dissertation Examination(Physics) 24/6/2023   Programme Schedule 6th Semester- IA-Practical -Dissertation Examination 15/6/2023   Notice for Exam form Fill up of Semester-VI,2023 10/5/2023   Notice for Practical Exam of Botany Dept. 8/5/2023   Notice for Practical Exam of Chemistry Dept. 20/4/2023   Admit Card of Semester-I,2022 17/4/2023   Revised Program for UG Sem-I (Hons. & Gen.) Exam 2022 17/4/2023   Center List UG Sem-I Exam 2022 8/2/2023   Notice for Exam form fill up of Semester-I,2022 7/2/2023   Reopening of Web Portal for Submission of Forms for UG-Sem-III Exam-2022 4/2/2023   Revised Programme for UG (BA_BSc_BCom) Sem-III (Hons & General) Exam-2022 30/1/2023   Admit Card of Semester-III,2022 30/1/2023   Programme for UG Sem-III (Hons & Gen) Examinations-2022 30/1/2023   Centre List for UG Semester-III(Hons & Gen)Exam-2022 30/1/2023   Notification for SEC-1 and L1-2 UG Sem-III Exam-2022 30/1/2023   Notice for Practical Exam of B.Com(Hons.)Semester-III,2022 9/1/2023   Notice for Practical Exam of Physics(Sem-V,2022) 6/1/2023   Admit Card of Semester-V,2022 5/1/2023   Programme for UG (Hons & Gen) Semester-V Examinations-2022 5/1/2023   Arrangement of Seats for UG Sem-V (Hons & Gen) Exam-2022 27/12/2022   B.Com Sem-1 Math exam 23/7/2022   UG Semester II Examination 2022 : Question Paper 15/7/2022   15.07.2022 SEM-2 QUESTION PAPERS 14/7/2022   UG Semester II Examination 2022 : Question Paper 12/7/2022   LINK FOR B.A. HONSOURS & GENERAL SEM-2 EXAMINATION-2022 12/7/2022   LINK FOR B.SC. HONSOURS & GENERAL SEM-2 EXAMINATION-2022 12/7/2022   LINK FOR B.COM. HONSOURS & GENERAL SEM-2 EXAMINATION-2022 12/7/2022   LINK FOR B.COM. HONSOURS & GENERAL SEM-2 EXAMINATION-2022 12/7/2022   INSTRUCTION FOR B.A.+B.COM+ B.SC HONSOURS & GENERAL SEM-2 EXAMINATION-2022 12/7/2022   HELPLINE FOR B.A.+B.COM+ B.SC. HONOURS & GENERAL SEM-2 EXAMINATION-2022 12/7/2022   LINK: HOW TO SUBMIT ANSWER SCRIPT: HONSOURS & GENERAL SEM-2 EXAMINATION-2022 11/7/2022    11.07.2022 AT 8.30 PM: BU EXAMINATION -2022: SEM-2- ONLINE DEMONSTRATION LINK, KHALISANI MAHAVIDYALAYA 28/6/2022   Under-Graduate Semester-IV Examinations 2022: Question Papers 27/6/2022   INSTRUCTION:Examination-Sem-4-2022 27/6/2022   GOOGLE CLASSROOM LINKS: BA HONOURS & GENERAL_SEM-4-2022 27/6/2022   GOOGLE CLASSROOM LINKS FOR B.COM HONS AND GENERAL 27/6/2022   GOOGLE CLASSROOM LINKS FOR B.SC. HONOURS SEM-4-2022 27/6/2022   GOOGLE CLASSROOM FOR SCIENCE GENERAL-EXAM-2022 27/6/2022   HELPLINE FOR STUDENTS: EXAMINATION SEM-4-2022 27/6/2022   HOW TO SUBMIT IN GOOGLE CLASSROOM 25/6/2022   Under-Graduate Semester-VI & Part-III Examinations 2022 Question Papers:Download 20/6/2022   Helpline Numbers For Semester-VI,2022 18/6/2022   Online Examination:SEM-6-2022 17/6/2022   Partial Modification of the Programme for UG Sem-VI Examination, 2022 7/6/2022   Programme for UG (BA, BSc, BCom) Sem-VI & UG Part III (Hons & General) Examinations, 2022 1/1/2014   LINK FOR B.COM. HONSOURS & GENERAL SEM-2 EXAMINATION-2022

Academic Notice

25/3/2025   Notice for OASIS Scholarship 10/3/2025   Basantatsab 7/3/2025   Registration portal will open on 8.3.2025 5/3/2025   Notice 5/3/2025   Notice for Academic Council 28/2/2025   A seminar on Consumer Protection Act 2019 & WBRTPS Act 2013 28/2/2025   Notice for Equal Opportunity Cell 25/2/2025   Shivaratri 20/2/2025   Notice for Registration-2024-25 20/2/2025   Commemorating the International Mother Language Day,2025 12/2/2025   Notice 11/2/2025   Notice 6/2/2025   Notice 1/2/2025   Saraswati Puja 28/1/2025   Notice for Annual Sports 25/1/2025   Notice for 3rd Semester 25/1/2025   Notice for Examination Committee 22/1/2025   Notice for Attendance 22/1/2025   Notice for Netaji Birthday 21/1/2025   Job Placement Opportunity 16/1/2025   Notice for Dept. of Geography 16/1/2025   Quiz Competition 16/1/2025   Notice 15/1/2025   Meeting of IQAC 14/1/2025   Career Opportunities 10/1/2025   Notice 9/1/2025   Notice for Cultural Programme 8/1/2025   Notice for Prize Distribution 6/1/2025   Cultural Program 6/1/2025   Employment Bank 4/1/2025   GEETA JAYANTI 4/1/2025   Online Awareness Session on Students Credit Card 4/1/2025   Health Check up Camp 4/1/2025   Notice for Dept. of Bengali 3/1/2025   Seminar on Career with Media & Entertainment 3/1/2025   Notice for the Department of English 2/1/2025   Quiz Competition 2/1/2025   Notice for Botany Dept. 2/1/2025   Quiz for the school students 26/12/2024   Singing Competition 26/12/2024   Notice for Registration 2024-25 26/12/2024   Movie Show 26/12/2024   Notice for Admission of 3rd Semester-2024-25 26/12/2024   Notice for Admission of 5th Semester-2024-25 24/12/2024   Extempore Competition 24/12/2024   Notice 24/12/2024   Notice for Teachers Council 23/12/2024   Educational Tour 23/12/2024   Elocution Competition 23/12/2024   Notice for Commerce Department 21/12/2024   Notice for 3rd Semester-2024-25 20/12/2024   Notice 20/12/2024   Notice for English Dept. 20/12/2024   Dance Competition 19/12/2024   Re Opening _ UG Registration cum Enrollment portal (AY 24-25) _ 21.12.2024 to 02.01.2025 19/12/2024   Notice for Workshop 18/12/2024   Notice for Commerce Dept. 18/12/2024   Notice for History Dept. 14/12/2024   A seminar on rock climbing 14/12/2024   Notice for Teachers Council 14/12/2024   Workshop on 17.12.2024 13/12/2024   Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives of SBI, Khalisani 12/12/2024   Notice for Geography Dept. 11/12/2024   Campus Placement Call(2nd) from TCS 10/12/2024   Notice 4/12/2024   Notice for Id Card 26/11/2024   Admission Notification 26/11/2024   Notice for Teachers Council 26/11/2024   Constitution Day 23/11/2024   Notice for Credit Card 22/11/2024   Re Opening of UG Registration cum Enrollment portal (2024-25) 20/11/2024   Notice for Library Card 19/11/2024   Seminar for Scholarship 16/11/2024   Notice for Scholarship 14/11/2024   Teachers Council Meeting 14/11/2024   Guru Nanaks Birthday 14/11/2024   Notice for Alumni 30/10/2024   Notice for Registration Cum Enrollment for 1st Sem-2024-25 30/10/2024   Notice 30/10/2024   Verified Student List of Sem-I,2024 30/10/2024   Students User Manual for Registration-2024-25 24/10/2024   Notice for Admission of Semester-V,2024 23/10/2024   Notice 21/10/2024   A workshop on Mental Health in the Workplace 5/10/2024   Puja Holidays 1/10/2024   Notice 30/9/2024   Notice 27/9/2024   Extended Schedule for Phase-1 and Phase-2 of Admission,2024-25 27/9/2024   Document Verification of Newly Admitted Students(Standalone Admission 2024-25) 24/9/2024   An awareness seminar on NSS 23/9/2024   Admission Notification 21/9/2024   Notice for Seminar 21/9/2024   Certificate Course in Sanskrit 19/9/2024   Notice 13/9/2024   Notice 11/9/2024   Job Recruitment Drive 11/9/2024   Admission Notice: Certificate Course in Sanskrit Language 9/9/2024   Schedule of standalone online admission 2024-25 6/9/2024   Notice 6/9/2024   Meeting of Research and Publication Cell 3/9/2024   Foundation Day Celebration 2/9/2024   Document Verification of Newly Admitted Studnets(Mop-up round) 31/8/2024   Notice for Zoology Dept. 31/8/2024   Training in the Gymnasium 30/8/2024   Meeting of the Examination Committee 29/8/2024   Notice for Admission of 2nd Semester-2024 28/8/2024   Sanskrit Sambhashan Shibir 24/8/2024   WALK-IN interview for Comp. Sc. teacher on 27/8/24 23/8/2024   Master Routine for Environmental Science/Education (VAC) for the session 2024-25 23/8/2024   Janmastami 22/8/2024   Revised Notice for Admission of 2nd Sem-2024(NEP) 21/8/2024   Notice for Dept of Zoology 21/8/2024   Notice for Practical Exam(Zoology) of Sem-IV-2024 20/8/2024   Notice for Admission of 2nd Semester,2024(NEP) 17/8/2024   Hands-on-Training on ERP 17/8/2024   Rakhi Bandhan 16/8/2024   Notice for OASIS Scholarship 14/8/2024   Independence Day 14/8/2024   Meeting of IQAC 13/8/2024   Deeksharambh 10/8/2024   Librarians Day 9/8/2024   Notice for OASIS Scholarship 8/8/2024   Notice 6/8/2024   Notice for 1st Sem,2024-25 5/8/2024   Notice for Dept. of Sanskrit 5/8/2024   Meeting of the Library Committee 5/8/2024   Notice for Sem-II 2/8/2024   Birth Centenary of Acharya Prafulla Chandra Ray 26/7/2024   Emergent Meeting of the Academic Council 26/7/2024   Mahindra Finance 25/7/2024   Document Verification of Newly Admitted Students (Centralised Admission 2024-25) 23/7/2024   Notice 23/7/2024   Notice 16/7/2024   Muharram 29/6/2024   Press Conference of Alumni 22/6/2024   Notice for Admission of 1st Semester,2024 21/6/2024   World Yoga Day and World Music Day 21/6/2024   Re Opening of UG Registration Portal (AY 23-24) 14/6/2024   Bharat O Oitijhya 14/6/2024   Id-Uz-Zuha 8/6/2024   Sales Officer 5/6/2024   Sit and Draw Competition 3/6/2024   World Environment Day 24/5/2024   Notice for Sanskrit Hons and Gen 22/5/2024   Budhha Purnima 16/5/2024   Summer Recess 15/5/2024   Rights and Responsibilities of Voters 7/5/2024   Notice 7/5/2024   Notice for Rabindra Jayanti 1/5/2024   Offline classes in the college will remain suspended from 02/05/24 to 11/05/24 30/4/2024   May Day 25/4/2024   Suspension of Classes 25/4/2024   Notice 24/4/2024   Notice 20/4/2024   Last & Final Re-Opening of Registration cum Enrollment & fresh Enrollment Portal from 22-04-2024 to 25-04-2024 19/4/2024   Career Opportunities in Govt. Sector 19/4/2024   Workshop on Teacher Training Programme 16/4/2024   Ram Navami 16/4/2024   Notice for 20th April,2024 15/4/2024   Notice for Students 9/4/2024   Notice 4/4/2024   Fresh Enrollment of old Registered students to UG 1st Sem (AY 23-24) _ Notification 4/4/2024   "Birthday of Shri Harichand Thakur" 4/4/2024   Suspension of Classess 3/4/2024   LMS Training for Teachers 2/4/2024   Notice for University team visiting our college on 20/04/2024 1/4/2024   Notice for Admission of 4th Semester & 6th Semester 1/4/2024   Pathonatika 1/4/2024   Notice for Boys Common Room Renovation 1/4/2024   Notice for 16th April,2024 1/4/2024   Notice for TCS Job 30/3/2024   TCS Registration 28/3/2024   Good Friday 28/3/2024   Notice 28/3/2024   Job opportunities at TCS 22/3/2024   For the Campus drive of the Reliance Infocom 22/3/2024   Master Routine of Science Even Semester-2023-24 22/3/2024   Review Grade Card of Semester-V,2022 22/3/2024   Doljatra 20/3/2024   Career guidance programme 19/3/2024   Sales Officers at Reliance Jio Infocom Ltd. 19/3/2024   Commencement of Classes 19/3/2024   Seminar on Career Counselling 16/3/2024   Scientific Model Competition and Science Seminar 11/3/2024   Placement opportunities as Sales Officers at Reliance Jio infocom LTd. 7/3/2024   Shivaratri 7/3/2024   Re-Opening of UG Registration cum Enrollment Portal (AY 23-24) 6/3/2024   Training Program by IQAC for TCS BPS Aspirants 4/3/2024   Notice for IT deduction 1/3/2024   Notice for taking classes in the interim period of Third Semester 28/2/2024   Campus Placement Call from TCS 23/2/2024   "Shab-e-Barat" 20/2/2024   UG Registration cum Enrollment (AY 23-24) _ Notification 20/2/2024   Commemorating the International Mother Language Day,2024 16/2/2024   Computer Training Program for Teaching & Non-Teaching Members 12/2/2024   Saraswati Puja 12/2/2024   Saraswati Puja (Refreshment) 7/2/2024   Notice for Job 7/2/2024   Parent-Teacher Meeting for the Student of 3rd Semester 6/2/2024   Meeting of the Library Committee 6/2/2024   Notice for Semester-I,2022(Grade Card and Review) 5/2/2024   Invitation to Two Day Computer Orientation and Training Program 1/2/2024   Suspension of Classes 29/1/2024   Meeting of IQAC 25/1/2024   Notice 24/1/2024   Suspension of Classes 22/1/2024   Notice for Magazine 22/1/2024   Notice 19/1/2024   Workshop of Cultural Heritage of Chandannagar 17/1/2024   Notice for 3rd Semester-2022(Grade Card & Review) 16/1/2024   Notice for Annual Sports 16/1/2024   Notice for Suspension of Classes 16/1/2024   Notice 14/1/2024   Notice 11/1/2024   Notice for Meeting of Academic Council 10/1/2024   Swami Vivekananda Birth Day 4/1/2024   Oitihyer Khonje Chandannagar er pothey 4/1/2024   Notice for Library Card 4/1/2024   Notice for Mental Health Awareness Camp 4/1/2024   Notice for Career Counselling Awareness Camp 3/1/2024   Notice for ID Card 2/1/2024   Notice for Online Seminars 2/1/2024   Students Week 2024 2/1/2024   Guardians Meet 28/12/2023   User Orientation Programme of Library 28/12/2023   Notice 28/12/2023   Tintin Day 26/12/2023   Notice for Cultural Program 26/12/2023   Notice for Cultural Program 26/12/2023   Notice for Bio Science Dept. 23/12/2023   Notice for " X-MAS" Day. 23/12/2023   Notice for Grade Card. 20/12/2023   Suspension of Classes 19/12/2023   Suspension of Classes 19/12/2023   Notice for Admission of Semester, III and Semester-V,2023 18/12/2023   Notice for ID Card 14/12/2023   Meeting of the Purchase Committee 14/12/2023   Notice for Review of Semester-VI,2023(Gen) 14/12/2023   Notice for Essay Writing Competition 14/12/2023   Notice for Career Counselling Seminar 14/12/2023   Career Counselling Seminar conducted by District Employment Exchange 11/12/2023   Program of Bharatiya Bhasha Utsav 11/12/2023   Notice for Blood Group determination Camp 8/12/2023   Notice for "Bharatiya Bhasha Utsav" 7/12/2023   Notice for Annual Cultural Competition,2023 1/12/2023   Notice for Department of Political Science 1/12/2023   Notice for Add on courses 29/11/2023   Notice for Bilingual literary journal DIOLOGIC SPACE 29/11/2023   Special Campaign for Electoral Roll 28/11/2023   Physical Infrastructure Survey 28/11/2023   Revised Subject details of Semester-I,2023 25/11/2023   Notice for Guru Nanak Birthday 25/11/2023   Notice for Review of Semester-VI,2023(Hons.) 10/11/2023   Notice for Kalipuja,Bhatriditiya,Chhat Puja and Jagadhatri Puja 6/11/2023   Notice for Online Admission 2023-24 3/11/2023   Master Routine for Environmental Science/Education for the Session of 2023-24 3/11/2023   Urgent Meeting of IQAC 31/10/2023   Routine for Arts, July-2023 to Dec-2023 31/10/2023   Notice for Admission of Semester-V and Semester-III,2023 31/10/2023   Subject combination for Semester-I, 2023 30/10/2023   Grade Card of Semester-VI,2023(General) 17/10/2023   Notice for Classes of Semester-I,III,V-2023 17/10/2023   Master Routine of Science for the Session of 2023-24 17/10/2023   Notice for Puja Holidays 16/10/2023   Notice for IQAC 13/10/2023   Awareness Programme on Dengue 13/10/2023   Notice for Mahalaya 11/10/2023   Notice for Students Credit Card 10/10/2023   Notice for Review of Semester-VI,2023(Honours) 10/10/2023   Notice for Grade Card of Semester-VI,2023(Honours) 9/10/2023   Savings Account Opening Camp 6/10/2023   Tree plantation Activity 30/9/2023   Notice for Home Center Exam on 04/10/2023. 30/9/2023   Notice for Gandhi Birthday. 29/9/2023   Seminar 29/9/2023   Prastuti 27/9/2023   Declaration form for the Minor and Multidisciplinary Subjects 27/9/2023   Seminar 27/9/2023   Fateha-dwaz-daham 23/9/2023   Karam Puja 23/9/2023   Routine for B.Com 21/9/2023   A workshop on Meditation and its Benefits 19/9/2023   Notice for Document Verfication 19/9/2023   Notice for Minor and Multidisciplinary Subjects 16/9/2023   Notice for Biswakarma Puja 13/9/2023   Admission Notification 12/9/2023   Notice for Job 5/9/2023   Notice 5/9/2023   Meeting of the Teachers Council 2/9/2023   Notice for Document Verification of Newly Admitted Students 1/9/2023   Document Verification of newly admitted students 31/8/2023   Urgent Notice 31/8/2023   Notice for Foundation day of our College 31/8/2023   Urgent Notice 29/8/2023   Notice for Rakhi Bandhan 29/8/2023   Notice for Suspension of Classes 28/8/2023   Meeting of IQAC 28/8/2023   Admission Notification 26/8/2023   Notice for anti-ragging awareness programs 25/8/2023   Schedeule for Additional Phase-3 of Admission,2023-24 25/8/2023   Notice for National Sports Day 23/8/2023   Chandrayaan- 3 22/8/2023   Extended Schedule for Additional Phase-2 of Admission,2023-24 22/8/2023   Notice for Teachers Council 17/8/2023   Urgent Notice for NAAC related 17/8/2023   An emergent meeting of IQAC 14/8/2023   Notice for Independence Day 14/8/2023   Election Selection of the Secretary of the Teachers Council 14/8/2023   Notice for Kanyashree Divas 11/8/2023   Celebration of "KANYASHREE DIVAS" 9/8/2023   Internal Assessment for B.Com-IV Sem-2022-23 9/8/2023   Admission Notification for Additional Phase 9/8/2023   Seminar on Add-on Courses 8/8/2023   Suspension of Classes 8/8/2023   2nd Merit List on the basis of willingness form 7/8/2023   Information for ABC id 7/8/2023   "22se Shrabon" 7/8/2023   Distribution of Class Rooms of Arts and Commerce Department 7/8/2023   Students Induction Programme 5/8/2023   Merit List on the basis of willingness form 4/8/2023   "Deeksharmbh" 2/8/2023   Document Verification of Newly Admitted Students 1/8/2023   Meeting of Academic Council 31/7/2023   National Librarians" Day 31/7/2023   Notice for UGC Care Listed Journal 31/7/2023   Notification regarding "Willingness form" for Admission to UG Courses. 29/7/2023   Admission Notification_2023-24 27/7/2023   Admission Notification_2023-24 24/7/2023   Revised Schedule of Online Admission 2023-24 20/7/2023   Notice for Scholarship 18/7/2023   Notice for Internal Exam 18/7/2023   Notice for HRA Declaration 14/7/2023   Notice for Bengali Dept. and Sanskrit Dept. 13/7/2023   Notice for H.R.A Declaration 10/7/2023   Notice for Building Committee and Purchase Committee 6/7/2023   Notice for Correction of Internal Exam of Sem-IV 5/7/2023   Notice for Internal Examination of Sem-VI, Sem-IV and Sem-II-2023 4/7/2023   Notice for Suspension of Classes 4/7/2023   A Seminar on Career Counselling 4/7/2023   Notice for Form-16 30/6/2023   Notice for suspension of Classes 28/6/2023   Id-Uz-Zuha 28/6/2023   "Sit and Draw" Competition 27/6/2023   A lecture on " Reorienting Fieldwork in Geography" 27/6/2023   A one day lecture on the topic" Sahitye Manabik Abedan" 26/6/2023   A one day lecture on the topic "Current Trends in Indian Foreign Policy" 26/6/2023   Notice for Schedule of Online Admission 2023-24(1st Semester) 26/6/2023   International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking 26/6/2023   Faculty Exchange Program 26/6/2023   A Free Career Counselling Seminar on 30.06.2023 24/6/2023   A One-Day Workshop on "Manuscriptology" 23/6/2023   Notice for P.N. Panicker Reading Day/ Reading Month 23/6/2023   Notice for Reading Competition 19/6/2023   Notice for Rathajatra 19/6/2023   International Day of Yoga and World Music Day 19/6/2023   Notice for NAD/ABC Registration 19/6/2023   Notice for Research Assistance 15/6/2023   Training Programme on Registration Process of Digi Locker and Academic Bank of Credit(ABC) 15/6/2023   Notice for ABC Account 2/6/2023   Notice for Scholarship 29/5/2023   Notice for Add on Courses 26/5/2023   Notice_IQAC 25/5/2023   Notice for Scholarship 20/5/2023   Notification Regarding the Summer recess 15/5/2023   A seminar for the students of Commerce 13/5/2023   Notice for Admission of Sem-II, Sem-IV and Sem-VI-2022-23 12/5/2023   Suspension of Classes 11/5/2023   Meeting of the Building Committee 10/5/2023   The normal classes will resume on and from 11.05.2023 3/5/2023   Notice for 1st Semester-2022-23 27/4/2023   Notice 26/4/2023   Notice for Professional Course 25/4/2023   ADD-ON course on "BASIC SCIENCE" 17/4/2023   English Writing Skill Add-on course 15/4/2023   Notice for Semester-I 13/4/2023   English Writing Skill Add-on course 12/4/2023    Add-on course on history 11/4/2023   Add-on Course TEST OF REASONING AND QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE 10/4/2023    Economics Add-on course 10/4/2023    Geography Add-on course 10/4/2023   Add-on course of Political Science 6/4/2023   Notice for the students of Sanskrit and Pol.Science Dept. 6/4/2023   Notice for the Students of Geography Dept. 4/4/2023   ADD-ON course on "BASIC SCIENCE 4/4/2023   Notification for Suspension of Classes 29/3/2023   Notification 24/3/2023   Notice for Admission of Sem-IV and Sem-VI,2022-23 20/3/2023   Add-on course on history 15/3/2023   Notice for Admission of Semester-IV,2022-23 14/3/2023    Economics Add-on course 14/3/2023   Geography Add-on course 14/3/2023   Add-on Course TEST OF REASONING AND QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE 14/3/2023   Add-on course of Political Science 13/3/2023   Notice for Admission of Semester-VI,2022-23 6/3/2023   Notice for "Doljatra" and "Holi" 6/3/2023   Celebration of International Women s day 2/3/2023   Add-on course on English Writing Skill 2/3/2023   Virtual Meeting of "SUCHETANA" 2/3/2023   Different Cells 20/2/2023   Celebration of International Mother Language Day 13/2/2023   Notice 11/2/2023   Notice for Magazine 10/2/2023   Notice for Provisional Certificate 4/2/2023   Suspension of Classes 3/2/2023   ADD-ON course on "BASIC SCIENCE" 2/2/2023    Economics Add-on course 2/2/2023   English Writing Skill Add-on course 2/2/2023    Geography Add-on course 2/2/2023   Add-on course on history 2/2/2023   Add-on course of Political Science 1/2/2023   Add-on Course TEST OF REASONING AND QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE 24/1/2023    ADD-ON course on "BASIC SCIENCE" 24/1/2023   Add-on course on history 24/1/2023   Notice 20/1/2023   Notice for Netaji s Birthday 19/1/2023   Notice for Exam form fill up Sem-III,2022 18/1/2023   "Ananda Mela" 18/1/2023   Last & Final Re Opening _ UG Registration cum Enrollment Portal (AY 22-23) 16/1/2023   125th Birth Anniversary of "Desh Nayak" Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose 13/1/2023   Sit and Draw Competition 11/1/2023   Birthday of Swami Vivekananda 5/1/2023   Celebration of Students Week 4/1/2023   Notice for Internal Exam,2022 3/1/2023   Add-on Course TEST OF REASONING AND QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE 2/1/2023   Economics Add-on course 2/1/2023   Geography Add-on course 2/1/2023   Add-on course of Political Science 2/1/2023   Notice for Kanyashree 27/12/2022   Notice for Remedial Classes 27/12/2022   Hands on training program on Income-Tax E-filing 27/12/2022   Invitation to the Students for Composing Song commemorating 50 years of our College 27/12/2022   Distribution of Identity Card for 2022-23 (SEM-I) 24/12/2022   Notice for Internal Assessment of B.Com (Hons & Gen)of Semester-I,2022-23 24/12/2022   Notification 21/12/2022   Notice for Internal Exam of Semester-I,2022 21/12/2022   Spoken English and Behavioural Science/ Skills 19/12/2022   Notice for Internal Assessment of Semester-I,2022-23 15/12/2022   Notice for Grade Card distribution of Semester-II,2022 12/12/2022   Notice for Exam form fill up of Sem-III,2022 10/12/2022   Notice for Annual Sports 9/12/2022   Career counselling seminer for Girl,s student. 9/12/2022   Cultural Competition 9/12/2022   Birthday Celebration of "MA SARADA " 9/12/2022   Career counselling seminar for the students of 4th and 5th semester in general. 7/12/2022   Re-opening of the Registration cum Enrollment Portal 1/12/2022   Notice for Admission of 3rd Semester-2022-23 29/11/2022   Notice 29/11/2022   Re-Opening of the Registration cum Enrollment Portal 26/11/2022   Awareness Program 24/11/2022   Notice for Internal Exam of Semester-III and Semester-V,2022-23 21/11/2022   Notice for Exam form Fill up of Semester-V,2022 19/11/2022   Invitation to Apply for Accommodation at the Newly Established Ladies Hostel 16/11/2022   Jio Smart Sales Trainee Programme 16/11/2022   SCHOLARSHIP_SEM-1+3+5-STUDENTS 14/11/2022   Re-opening of the Registration cum Enrollment Portal 12/11/2022   Birthday of Birsha Munda 9/11/2022   Course on HAM Radio 21/10/2022   Notice for Registration of 1st Semester-2022-23 20/10/2022   Notice 19/10/2022   Notice 17/10/2022   Student Profile _Filled up form for 1st Semester-2022 _BA/B.Com/B.Sc Hons/Gen wtihin 18.10.2022 15/10/2022   Notice 15/10/2022   Routine for 1st Semester,2022(Environmental Science) 15/10/2022   Google Classroom Link for SEM-1-2022 Official 14/10/2022   Notice for Admission of the Students who applied to take Geography as General Combination 12/10/2022   Notice for Re-Enrollment (new admission of old registered students from 2019, 2020 and 2021) for AY 2022-2023 11/10/2022   Notice for Holidays 11/10/2022   Notice for Geography as a general Combination 11/10/2022   Notice for Subject Change 11/10/2022   Google form link of application of choosing Geography as general subject 28/9/2022   Grade Card of Semester-II,2022 26/9/2022   Notice for Document Verification of Semester-I,2022 24/9/2022   Notice for Puja Holidays 23/9/2022   Notice for Admission of 1st Semester,2022 22/9/2022   Notice for Grade Card distribution of Semester-IV,2022 19/9/2022   Notice for Regular Classes 16/9/2022   Notice for Document Verification of SEM-I,2022 16/9/2022   Notice for Suspension of Classes 14/9/2022   Notice for Admission 12/9/2022   Notice 10/9/2022   New Admission 8/9/2022   Notice for Admission 6/9/2022   National Online Essay Writing Competition 2/9/2022   Admission Notice for 1st Semester,2022 31/8/2022   Grade Card of Semester-IV,2022 30/8/2022   Conduction of forthcoming UG Examinations through OFFLINE Mode 26/8/2022   Notice for Admission 17/8/2022   Notice for Admission of 3rd Semester-2022-23 12/8/2022   Notice 10/8/2022   Notice for Grade Card distribution of Semester-I,2021 & Semester-III,2021 8/8/2022   Notice 6/8/2022   Notice for Fresh Marksheet 5/8/2022   Revised Notification of Admission of Semester-V,2022 3/8/2022   Notice for Grade Card distribution of Semester-V,2021 & Semester-VI,2022 2/8/2022   Notice for Suspension of Classes 2/8/2022   Grade Card of Semester-VI,2022 1/8/2022   Routine for Commerce 30/7/2022   Notice for Offline Classes 16/7/2022   Schedule for 0nline Admission 2022-23 16/7/2022   Mentor mentee log book/register 13/7/2022   Admit Card of Semester-II,2022 5/7/2022   Add-on course on TEST OF REASONING AND QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE 4/7/2022    ADD-ON course titled BASIC SCIENCE 4/7/2022   Add-on course on FEATURES OF INDIAN ECONOMY 4/7/2022   Add-on course on FEATURES OF INDIAN ECONOMY 4/7/2022    Add-on course on English Writing Skill 4/7/2022    Add-on course on INDIAN GEOGRAPHY 4/7/2022   Add-on course on Indian History 4/7/2022   Add-on course on INDIAN POLITY 24/6/2022   Admit Card of Semester-IV,2022 23/6/2022   Notice for Registration Card of Semester-II,2022 22/6/2022   Notice for Exam form fill up of Semester-II,2022 21/6/2022   Add-on Notice IQAC 10/6/2022   Admit card of Semester-VI,2022 6/6/2022   Notice for Exam form fill up of Semester-IV,2022 30/5/2022   Notice for Summer Recess [BU] 30/5/2022   Notice for Continuation of Office work and Library transaction during Summer recess 30/5/2022   Notice for Admission of 4th Semester 27/5/2022   Grade Card for Semester-I,III,V,2021 26/5/2022   Notice for Online Classes 11/5/2022   Notice for ID Sem I (Correction) 2020_21 25/3/2022   Notice for Grade Card distribution of Semester-IV,2021 22/3/2022   Notice for ID Card distribution of Semester-IV,2021-22 16/3/2022   Notice for Distribution of Registration Card for the session of 2020-21 18/2/2022   Notice for Admit Card of Semester-I,2021 15/2/2022   Online demonstration for SEM-1 Examination-2021 8/2/2022   Revised programme for UG Sem-III (Hons & Gen) Exam-2021 7/2/2022   Notice for Admit Card of 3rd Semester,2021 31/1/2022   Notice for Exam form fill up of 1st Semester,2021-22 22/1/2022   Admit Card of Semester-V,2021 7/1/2022   Notice for Reopening of Registration Portal for Registration 2021-22

Tender Notice

24/3/2025   Tender Notice for CCTV Surveillance System 5/11/2024   Tender Notice for ID Card-2024 5/11/2024   Tender Notice for Magazine 2023-24 5/10/2024   Tender Notice for Jouranl 24/9/2024   Tender for Repair and Construction on the west side of College Office 18/9/2024   Tender Notice for Ground Leveling and beautification 18/9/2024   Tender Notice for Floor and Store Room 10/8/2024   Construction of New Concrete Road and Drain surrounding front ground of the College 5/6/2024   Tender for labour for construction of inside road 5/6/2024   Tender for supply of construction materials, brick, sand, stone chips. 5/6/2024   Tender for supply of construction material(cement) 5/6/2024   Tender for labour for construction rooftop parapit 5/6/2024   Tender for Exterior painting 5/6/2024   Tender for Interior painting 5/6/2024   Tender for labour for construction of drain. 5/6/2024   Tender for Construction of Inside Road with Concrete Block. 15/3/2024   Tender Notice for Printing of the Annual College Magazine, BATAYAN 2022-23 19/1/2024   Tender Notice for Floor Mat. 11/1/2024   Tender Notice for Shed 11/1/2024   Tender Notice for Cycle Shed 11/1/2024   Tender Notice for Boys Toilet 11/1/2024   Tender Notice for Boys Common Room 11/1/2024   Tender Notice for Girls Common Room 22/12/2023   Tender Notice for LED Projector 22/12/2023   Tender Notice for Desktop Computer 14/12/2023   Purchase of Sports Material and Equipment 17/10/2023   Tender Notice for Printing Student & Staff College Diary 8/9/2023   Tender Notice for Installation of False Ceiling and Interior Partition 12/8/2023   Tender Notice for ID Card 12/8/2023   Tender Notice for Supply and Fixing of Floor Tiles 12/5/2023   Tender Notice for Projector 12/5/2023   Tender Notice for Laptop 21/3/2023   Tender Notice for Steel Almirah 17/3/2023   Tender notice for Wooden Chair and Table 23/2/2023   Tender Notice for Electric Wiring 20/2/2023   Tender Notice for Green board and White Board 20/2/2023   Tender Notice for Laptop 14/11/2022   Tender Notice for Boundary Wall 17/10/2022   Tender Notice for ID Card 17/10/2022   Lease of Mango Garden 9/9/2022   Tender Notice for Wooden Table 9/9/2022   Tender Notice for Steel Almirah 30/8/2022   Tender Notice for Bathroom 27/8/2022   Tender Notice for CCTV 20/8/2022   Tender notice for Lab Equipment(Chemistry) 19/7/2022   Tender for Wall Plaster and Parapet construction 13/7/2022   NOTICE DATED 13.07.2022 2/7/2022   Tender Notice for Window and Gate 2/7/2022   Extension of previous tender 22/6/2022   Tender notice for shed 10/6/2022   Tender notice for Bookshelf 28/5/2022   Tender for New furniture 28/5/2022   Tender for Building works (Fancing and Class room) 13/5/2022   Tender for purchasing Bricks and Cement 26/3/2022   Tender for verious construction works I Annex building 23/3/2022   Tender Notice for Computer & Accessories